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2023 Nutcracker 

Rehearsal Schedule



Friday, December 6th


Studio A:

Youth Company: Cast B 

Supporting Cast: Butler, Drosselmeyer, Soldiers, Mirlitons, Russian & Nutcracker Prince.

Act 1 5:00-6:30  (party scene arrive at 4:45)

Act 2 6:45-8:15 



Saturday, December 7th


Studio A:

FULL CAST (Youth Company Cast A)

12:30-1:00 Angels & Gingerbread Family

1:15-2:45 Act 1 (baby mice 1:35-2:30. Snowflakes 1:45-2:45. Parents please stay. Mice may be done early) 

3:00-4:30 Act 2  (except Angels and Gingerbreads *Gingerbread Leads please attend) (Gumdrops will be done by 3:45/4:00) 

4:45-5:30 Sugarplum (both casts) *if needed



Friday, December 13th


Studio A:

Youth Company: Cast A 

Supporting Cast: Butler, Chef, Drosselmeyer, Soldiers, Mirlitons, Russian boys & Nutcracker Prince

Act 1 5:00-6:30 (party scene arrive at 4:45)

Act 2 6:45-8:15



Saturday, December 14th


Studio A:

FULL CAST (Youth Company Cast B)

12:30-1:00 Angels & Gingerbread Family

1:15-2:45 Act 1 (baby mice 1:35-2:30. Snowflakes 1:45-2:45. Parents please stay. Mice may be done early) 

3:00-4:30 Act 2  (except Angels and Gingerbreads *Gingerbread Leads please attend)) (Gumdrops will be done by 3:45/4:00)

4:45-5:30 Sugarplum (both casts) *if needed



At the New Braunfels Civic Center


MONDAY, December 16th - Tech Rehearsal

-Full Youth Company

-Partial Supporting Cast: Clara’s parents, Granny, Butler, Drosselmeyer, Soldiers, Nutcracker Prince, Russian, Mama Ginger, Lead Gingerbread & Mirliton Corps

-at New Braunfels Civic Center

-No costumes. Wear class dress code. 

-check in 4:30pm (Russian & Mirlitons can check in 5:30pm)


-Rehearsal 5pm-9pm 

-We will run full show Cast A, then full show Cast B. 

-Parents stay and responsible for your own children if under 18. 




TUESDAY, December 17th - Dress Rehearsal CAST A


-Full Cast 

-at New Braunfels Civic Center 

-full hair & costumes for Cast A. (No show make-up today.) 

-Arrive and be ready in costume sitting with your group in the auditorium 30 minutes before your scheduled rehearsal time listed below… *ALL Youth Company is 4:30-8:15.*

-Parents stay and responsible for your own children if under 18.


5:00-6:15  Act 1 Cast A (in costume)

6:30-7:45 Act 2 Cast A (in costume)

7:45-8:15 Youth Company for notes/additional run of certain pieces if needed ;) 

WEDNESDAY, December 18th - Dress Rehearsal CAST B


-Full Cast

-at New Braunfels Civic Center 

-full hair & costumes for Cast B. (No show make-up today.) 

-Arrive and be ready in costume sitting with your group in the auditorium 30 minutes before your scheduled rehearsal time listed below… *ALL Youth Company is 4:30-8:15.*

-Parents stay and responsible for your own children if under 18.


5:00-6:15  Act 1 Cast B (in costume)

6:30-7:45 Act 2 Cast B (in costume)

7:45-8:15 Youth Company for notes/additional run of certain pieces if needed ;)




THURSDAY, December 19th:  REST! ❤️




Arrive 4:30pm* with your hair & make-up already done. 

(*Drosselmeyer, Clara’s Family, Butler, Baby Mice, Snowflakes, Angels, Gumdrops, Gingerbreads, & Russian arrive at 5:15pm)


—Warm-up Youth Company, Soldiers  4:45pm-5:15pm

 —Doors open to our audience at 6:15pm 

 —Act 1 dressed & ready by 6:15pm

 —Show starts at 7:00pm

 —Act 2 dressed & ready by 7:15pm






For 2pm show: 

 Arrive 11:30am* with your hair & make-up already done. 

(*Drosselmeyer, Clara’s Family, Butler, Baby Mice, Snowflakes, Angels Corps, Gumdrops, Gingerbreads, & Russian Men arrive at 12:15pm)


Warm-up Youth Company, Soldiers 11:45am-12:15pm

— Doors open to our audience at 1:15pm 

 —Act 1 dressed & ready by 1:15pm

 —Show starts at 2:00pm

 —Act 2 dressed & ready by 2:15pm




For 7pm show:

*FULL CAST* sign-in again by 5:15pm


—Warm-up Youth Company 5:15-5:45pm

 —Doors open to our audience at 6:15pm 

 —Act 1 dressed & ready by 6:15pm

 —Show starts at 7:00pm

 —Act 2 dressed & ready by 7:15pm




Arrive 1:30pm* with your hair & make-up already done. 

(*Drosselmeyer, Clara’s Family, Butler, Baby Mice, Snowflakes, Angels Corps, Gumdrops, Gingerbreads, & Russian Men arrive at 2:15pm)


Warm-up Youth Company, Soldiers 1:45pm-2:15pm

— Doors open to our audience at 3:15pm 

 —Act 1 dressed & ready by 3:15pm

 —Show starts at 4:00pm

 —Act 2 dressed & ready by 4:15pm


Thank you! We are excited for the rest of the season, and to celebrate Christmas with all your families!

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